Month: April 2020

Reminder: Only 9 States Currently Have a Woman Governor
| Apr 30, 2020

  With governors are playing lead roles in the country’s response to COVID-19, we’re seeing the difference women make when they’re in a chief executive role  –  and why we need more of them. Right now, there are only nine women governors in the U.S., a record first reached in 2004. However, with 11 states …

Do Not Underestimate the Importance of Women Members of Congress in These Difficult Times
| Apr 29, 2020

  As the world responds to the current global health crisis, there has been well-deserved recognition of the women leaders from countries around the globe.  They have been praised for their effective messaging and decisive action.  It has been written that they have  “demonstrated exemplary leadership and were met with successful results.”  One article even …

Will COVID-19 Shut Women Out of Politics?
| Apr 28, 2020

  As the COVID-19 pandemic grows, the crisis’ effects are spreading throughout the country. Already, the virus is disproportionately affecting women. Women represent 70 percent of the global health care workforce, have lost their jobs at higher rates than men, and are shouldering new burdens during this stressful time. Unfortunately, the effects may be taking …

Media Round Up: Week of April 19th
| Apr 24, 2020

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week: In a global emergency, women are showing how to lead Zoe Marks, The Washington Post Women leaders across the US and the globe are stepping up to handle …

How Inviting Women to Run Can Improve Women’s Political Representation
| Apr 23, 2020

Some of our greatest leaders, innovators, and sources of societal strength have been women and yet we continually limit their access to elected office where their positive impact is desperately needed. During the COVID-19 crisis their capacity for grounded leadership is on display as the world begins to recognize that when women are in charge …

Happy Earth Day!
| Apr 22, 2020

  Today marks the 50th nationally recognized Earth Day, a day to pause and think about what we can do to support and care for our planet. Here are three things to remember about women + politics + the environment: 1) Women in legislative positions are more likely to support pro-environment policies. Research has shown …

The Strengths Women Leaders Bring to A Crisis
| Apr 21, 2020

  At the Barbara Lee Family Foundation, we’ve spent the past 20 years studying obstacles and opportunities for women officeholders and candidates. Our research has consistently shown that women face impossible ethical pedestals and double standards from voters. But, the pressure of this sudden COVID-19 crisis also shines a spotlight on the unique strengths women …

Media Round Up: Week of April 12th
| Apr 17, 2020

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week: Women leaders are doing a disproportionately great job at handling the pandemic. So why aren’t there more of them? Leta Hong Fincher, CNN Across the globe, women-led governments …

What Gets Women to Donate? Other Women.
| Apr 16, 2020

  According to our research “Stepping Up and Standing Out,” women are inspired by other women’s political involvement, especially when it comes to supporting women running for office. But what exactly does that look like in practice? When it comes to political campaigns, women are more likely to volunteer or donate to female candidates. This …

How 2018 Changed “Authenticity” for Women Candidates
| Apr 15, 2020

  How many times has your mother told you, “Just be yourself”? The notion that we are most likeable, and can be most successful, by simply embracing and projecting to the world our most authentic, true beings has long been promoted in almost every realm of American life, except in politics. Shape shifting, performing, and …

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