Gender on the Debate Stage: Night 1 Numbers

Betsy Fischer Martin | Jun 27, 2019


Last night, 58 questions were directed at the candidates on the debate stage. 22 of those questions were posed to the three women candidates, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Tulsi Gabbard. In the past, women have largely been ignored on the debate stage. Last night’s more balanced split of questions was historic, and shows that we’re heading towards a new chapter for gender on the debate stage.

Some key numbers from last night’s debate:

58* total questions, including follow-ups

Of those questions, 22** went to women candidates:

  • 7 to Elizabeth Warren
  • 7 to Amy Klobuchar
  • 5 to Tulsi Gabbard
  • 3 to all of the candidates on the stage

Of the 58 questions asked, 12% (7 questions) were directly related to women and/or gender issues. And of those questions, 57% (4 questions) were directed at the three female candidates.

These questions were related to:

  • Pay equity for women
  • Abortion coverage
  • LGBTQ civil rights

Notably, three candidates; John Delaney, Jay Inslee, and Amy Klobuchar proactively brought up gender issues in their responses to other questions.


Our complete list of night 1 debate questions can be found here.

*Several of the questions last night were posed to a handful of candidates at once
**One of the questions was directed at both Klobuchar and Gabbard

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