Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing…
Media Round Up: Week of August 4th

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:
Gender Will Be An Issue For Men As Well As Women In 2020
By Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux, FiveThiryEight
With six women running for president in the 2020 election, issues such as gender and sexism have captured the media’s attention. However, even if there were no women candidates, gender dynamics would continue to play a roll as men on both sides of the aisle have been trading insults about their opponent’s masculinity for centuries.
You can read the full article here.
Quiz: Let Us Predict Whether You’re a Democrat or a Republican
By Sahil Chinoy, New York Times
This interactive read illustrates how in a time of increasing polarization, identity is often used to predict people’s party affiliations. Factors such as race, religion, and education are often indicative of the way a person votes. However, this piece show that women are not a voting bloc, and gender on its own is not bound by party lines.
You can read the full article here.
Telling women to be more confident is a stupid idea
By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Fast Company
The disproportionate number of men in leadership positions has often led people to believe that women are just not confident enough to obtain them. However, data shows that women are often punished for being too confident. Therefore, instead of blaming women for their lack of opportunity, maybe we should question the systems that puts them at a disadvantage.
You can read the full article here.
Democrats’ Desire For Electable Candidates May Be Driven By Older Voters
By Erin Doherty, FiveThiryEight
When a person is evaluating a candidate, do they look at their ability to win, or do they look at their policies? It turns out, the answer to that question may be in the person’s age. Recent polls have shown that older voters are more concerned about “electability,” while younger voters are more concerned with a candidate’s positions.
You can read the full article here.
Toni Morrison, Revolutionary Political Thinker
By Angela Davis and Farah Jasmine Griffin, New York Times
Toni Morrison used her writing to give a voice to those who were often passed over. Angela Davis and Farah Jasmine Griffin write in a moving tribute to their friend, “In her presence, whether on page or in person, we understood the world was large and it was ours, to enter, to comment upon, to write about, to shape, mold, and change.”
You can read the full article here.
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