Media Round Up: Week of February 16th

Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:

6 Takeaways From the Democratic Debate in Nevada

Shane Goldmacher and Reid J. Epstein, The New York Times

This Wednesday, six candidates took to the stage in Nevada for the ninth Democratic debate. Want to see how the candidates fared? Looking for the context behind the moments you saw on Twitter? Take a look at The New York Time’s list of debate takeaways to get yourself caught up.

You can read the full article here.

Women predominate among the most disengaged nonvoters

Rishika Dugyala, Politico

A new study finds that women are disproportionately among the most disengaged and least-likely to vote. The results suggest that the large numbers of newly politically engaged women may be struggling to connect with women who are hard-pressed for time or not interested in politics. Gender on the Ballot research shows that women voters identified time – being too busy working or taking care of family – as the biggest barrier to getting politically involved.

You can read the full article here.

As A Female Politician, I Spent 20 Years Keeping Quiet About Sexism. Now I’m Speaking Out.

Barbara Buono, HuffPost

Barbara Buono, former Majority Leader of the New Jersey Senate, is speaking out about the sexism she faced during her career. Buono writes, “Hostility toward strong female leaders is endemic to the New Jersey political establishment… As women, we knew even just acknowledging gender discrimination would be treated as a sign of weakness. Invoking misogyny would be used by our detractors as proof that women must resort to concocting excuses for not succeeding.”

You can read the full article here.

Klobuchar’s hot dish and Warren’s heart-shaped cakes soothe our unfounded fear of women in office

Stacy J. Williams, The Washington Post

The women candidates of 2020 have shared their cooking in what some say are attempts at relatability, but the history of women using cooking in politics shows us something different. Suffragists first used baking to show that women could vote and still care for their families, and pro- ERA feminists challenged opponents to cook-offs. Check out the full history of how women can wield traditionally feminine tasks in the political arena.

You can read the full article here.

Teen Vogue/IPSOS Survey Finds Young People Agree on Some Surprising Political Issues, Like Climate Change

Lucy Diavolo, Teen Vogue

A new survey from Teen Vogue takes a look at the political views of young Americans today, and the results are illuminating. Young people are concerned about climate change, and agree across party lines about a lot of climate policies. Their top priorities also include healthcare, the economy, and student debt – giving us a glimpse into what issues will be on young people’s minds when it comes to vote in 2020.

You can read the full article here.


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