The November Election is 43 Days Away. Today’s a Great Day to Make Sure You’re Registered to Vote.

Today is National Voter Registration Day, a “nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy,” and a great reminder to be sure you have a plan to vote in this November’s general elections.

If it seems like the topic of voting is everywhere lately, from Michelle Obama’s “VOTE” necklace at the Democratic National Convention, to the social media feeds of countless celebrities, that’s for good reason: voting is a critical way to exercise civic responsibility and have a voice in the direction of our country. And like many other facets of life in 2020, voting might look different this year, and it might require more advance planning than usual. Depending on your state, for example, you might be able to vote by mail ahead of November 3rd, or your polling place might be different than in past elections.

2020 is also the Centennial of the adoption of the 19th Amendment, which afforded white women the right to vote (many women of color faced voter suppression for decades after—and suppression remains an issue today). In recent years, women have exercised the right in high numbers and had a major influence on elections. As we’ve previously noted, women have voted at higher rates than men in every presidential since 1964. In 2016’s Presidential election, 73.7 million women voted, compared to 63.8 million men. And while women voters are not a monolith, there is interesting data from The Women & Politics Institute at American University that sheds light on what matters most to women voters.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, many American families are already struggling to maintain work schedules without school and childcare options. We know that women are disproportionately bearing the brunt of this strain—both in terms of working in fields highly impacted by the virus, and in shouldering more household responsibilities. It’s understandable that a November election might not be top-of-mind amidst the intensity of this year, making it arguably more important than ever to make a plan to vote now, with 43 days to go until the November election.

Here are a few resources to make sure you’re registered and set up to vote:

Check on the vote by mail criteria in your state using the New York Times guide

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