Media Round Up: Week of September 29th   


Happy Friday! Welcome to our Media Round Up. Each week we’re collecting and sharing our favorite gender + politics stories. Here’s what caught our eye this week:

I’m a First Lady, and It’s an Incredibly Weird Job

By Eliza Reid, New York Times

Eliza Reid knows better than anyone that the First Lady is a difficult position to step into. In an article she wrote for the New York Times, the First Lady of Iceland describes the challenges of “wife” becoming your job title, and of having your individual success overlooked due to outdated traditions: “I am not my husband’s handbag, to be snatched as he runs out the door and displayed silently by his side during public appearances.”

You can read the full article here.

Black women take US mayoral reins in record numbers

By Danny Jin, Christian Science Monitor

Black women have never been silent. Even as they were shut out of political office, they were active on the ground, advocating for their communities and mobilizing voters. Now that ideas about electability are starting to change, black women are taking their politics to the office too. Today, black women are mayors of some of the largest cities in America.

You can read the full article here.

For Women In Politics, Personal Style Is A Game Of Chess With The Patriarchy

By Rohina Katoch Sehra, Huffpost

Women candidates’ appearances have always been scrutinized on the campaign trail. They’ve struggled to package their femininity in just the right way, so they’re likeable while still being taken seriously. Even as less attention has been paid to specific items of clothing, they have to curate their styles in ways that men do not.

You can read the full article here.

Why Kamala Harris Uses Female Pronouns When She Talks About The Presidency

By Molly Hensley-Clancy, Buzzfeed

It’s not enough to say a woman can be president. We have to believe it too. By using female pronouns to refer to the office of the presidency, Kamala Harris is forcing us to reckon with our subconscious notions of what a president looks like. She says, “I’ve always been very aware that for these jobs, we’re asking people to see what they’ve not seen before.”

You can read the full article here.

Melinda Gates: Here’s Why I’m Committing $1 Billion to Promote Gender Equality

By Melinda Gates, Time

Melinda Gates has announced that she will be putting $1 billion towards the fight for gender equality. In her announcement in Time Magazine, she writes, “I want to see more women in the position to make decisions, control resources, and shape policies and perspectives. I believe that women’s potential is worth investing in.” That’s a mission we a can get on board with.

You can read the full article here.


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